
Thursday, December 12, 2013

‘TNA continues anti-govt propaganda’

The TNA is continuing its anti-government propaganda by taking advantage of its status as the people’s representatives, disregarding the fact that it was President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s commitment to restore democracy in the terrorism-torn province that helped hold the election, Minister of Mass Media and Information Keheliya Rambukwella told the Sunday Observer.

It is evident that the party has not changed its pro-LTTE political approach and ideologies and took every opportunity to tarnish the Government’s image both here and abroad along with the pro-LTTE diaspora groups, he said.

TNA MP S. Sritharan told Parliament recently that the LTTE's ‘Heroes’ Day’ should be commemorated. During a recent meeting at Trincomalee with a US delegation, party leader R.Sambanthan had alleged that the government is not ‘interested in reconciliation’ and Chief Minister C.V.Wigneswaran had threatened to violate the law if he was prevented from entering specific security areas in the North.

All these moves prove that they had not deviated from the stand of the now defunct LTTE, he said. In spite of all such threats, law and order will be strictly maintained in the country, the Minister said.

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